One Day atta Time

Step by step, towards Life herstory

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bored to Death Day

Posted by Sheezazrin |

I was bored throughout the day. Woke up at about 5 a.m. this morning and straight to the loo, melepaskan hajat ..... nature calls! Terus "berendam", nasib baik tak der tub kalau tak keluar bilik ayaq kecut cam asam kecut!

After everything else settled, switched the TV on (which I just switched off when I woke up the first time). Sat thru watching Hallmark Movie titled "Beautiful Girl". Tis about a chubby gal goin' into a pageant with the intention of just winning free tickets to Hawaii which she wanted to be a gift for her fiancee on the honeymoon. Bla..bla.. ended she waltzed thru to a bigger pageant / state I think but she won runner up place. Moral of the story, " Its what you think of yourself that matters , do not care what everyone else think about you". I hope I have that gungho of a spirit!! But, ever seen a chubby gal got into any beauty pageant before? Unless its specifically for chubbs peeps.... hmmm.....wonder if I would have the guts to do that? Opss... am not chubby, am just, simple plain truth....Fat! Out of the question then....

